.. mln_interface documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb 25 11:53:18 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. About ===== pracmln is a toolbox for statistical relational learning and reasoning and as such also includes tools for standard graphical models. pracmln is a statistical relational learning and reasoning system that supports efficient learning and inference in relational domains. pracmln has started as a fork of the *ProbCog* toolbox and has been extended by latest developments in learning and reasoning by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bremen, Germany. pracmln was designed with the particular needs of technical systems in mind. Our methods are geared towards practical applicability and can easily be integrated into other applications. The tools for relational data collection and transformation facilitate data-driven knowledge engineering, and the availability of graphical tools makes both learning or inference sessions a user-friendly experience. Scripting support enables automation, and for easy integration into robotics applications, we provide a client-server library implemented using the widely used `ROS (Robot Operating System) `_ middleware. * Markov logic networks (MLNs): learning and inference Fuzzy-MLN reasoning, probabilistic reasoning about concept taxonomies. * Logic: representation, propositionalization, stochastic SAT sampling, weighted SAT solving, etc. This package consists of an implementation of Markov logic networks as a Python module (`pracmln`) that you can use to work with MLNs in your own Python scripts. For an introduction into using `pracmln` in your own scripts, see :doc:`apidoc`. Release notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Release 1.2.4 (17.05.2019) * Fixed installation issues with ``pip`` * Minor fixes. * Release 1.2.2 (18.12.2017) * Support for Python 2 and Python 3 * Release a ``pip``-compliant package * Minor fixes * Release 1.1.2 (14.03.2017) * *Fix*: Patches for using toulbar2 on Windows platforms * Release 1.1.1 (13.03.2017) * *Fix*: Patches for Windows support * Release 1.1.0 (13.06.2016) * *Fix*: :ref:`sec-cppbindings` * *Feature*: literal groups for formula expansion (see :ref:`sec-litgroups`) * *Fix*: existentially quantified formulas evaluate to false when they cannot be grounded * *Fix*: cleanup of process pools in multicore mode Citing ^^^^^^ When you publish research work that makes use of `pracmln`, we gratefully appreciate if a reference to `pracmln` can be found in your work in the following way: * Nyga, D., Picklum, M., Beetz, M., et al., *pracmln -- Markov logic networks in Python*, ``_, Online; accessed |today|. The following Bibtex entry can be used for documents based on LaTeX: :: @Misc{, author = {Daniel Nyga and Mareike Picklum and Michael Beetz and others}, title = {{pracmln} -- Markov logic networks in {Python}}, year = {2013--}, url = "http://www.pracmln.org/", note = {[Online; accessed ]} } Contents ^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 features installation tools mlnquerytool mlnlearningtool learningmethods inferencemethods mln_syntax mlntutorial evaluation apidoc tutorial Credits ^^^^^^^ Lead Developer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel Nyga (`nyga@cs.uni-bremen.de `_) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Mareike Picklum * Ferenc Balint-Benczedi * Thiemo Wiedemeyer * Valentine Chiwome Former Contributors (from ProbCog) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Dominik Jain * Stefan Waldherr * Klaus von Gleissenthall * Andreas Barthels * Ralf Wernicke * Gregor Wylezich * Martin Schuster * Philipp Meyer Acknowledgments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This work is supported in part by the EU FP7 projects `RoboHow `_ (grant number 288533) and `ACAT `_ (grant number 600578): .. image:: _static/img/robohow-logo.png :height: 70px :target: http://www.robohow.eu .. image:: _static/img/acat-logo.png :height: 70px :target: http://www.acat-project.eu .. image:: _static/img/fp7-logo.png :height: 70px :target: http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/index_en.cfm Publications ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: refs.bib :list: enumerated :enumtype: arabic :filter: author % "Nyga" or author % "Jain" :all: Indices and tables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`